
Photographic Art Print 

  • Printed on Fine Art Paper, 100% cotton and acid and OBA free

  • Dimensions are image size, allow for additional handling border

  • Film grain & blur are intentional


Image name: Follow Your Bliss

12"x18": Not editioned

16" x 24": 50 editions

Limited Editions:

20"x30": 30 editions

32"x48": 25 editions

36"x54": 15 editions


Follow Your Bliss

The secret to getting what you want in life, finding your people, feeling motivated to get out of bed in the morning, and have a skip in your step is to follow your bliss.Following your bliss and what in your heart feels true is not whimsical or irresponsible, it’s deep communion with your higher self and creates profound personal fulfillment, joy, a sense of belonging to a community and to this beautiful world we live in.You know when you are connected to something you really want because you feel excited, enthusiastic, and you radiate joy, your energy bubbles over and off you go without needing any prompting at all. A heart’s desire gives you a rudder that pulls you along, a clear path starts to form and you know what to do next, you have the courage to keep taking steps, one choice at a time.
I hope this girl inspires you to follow your bliss.

Young Girl In Bloom 

This series was inspired by that delicate age when young girls are between teenagers but not yet women. This incredible moment in life when young women are on the verge of greatness but often don't realise it.

These photos were created with the young girls around me in mind, who are so innately beautiful and powerful yet often don't see it in themselves. 

The images have names such as I Believe in Me, Great Future Ahead, On My Way and Standing Her Ground and my wish is that they inspire women to look within at their own beauty, find their uniqueness and tap into their power. And when a Young Girl Is In Bloom, when she knows her self-worth she is most powerful force on earth!