
Photographic Art Print: I Believe in Me

  • Printed on Fine Art Paper, 100% cotton and acid and OBA free
  • Dimensions are image size, allow for additional handling border

  • Film grain & blur are intentional

Image name: I Believe In Me

12"x18": Not editioned

Limited Editions:

16"x24": 50 editions

20"x30": 30 editions

32"x48": 25 editions

36"x54": 15 editions

I Believe In Me

It’s challenging for young girls and women to say the words ‘I believe in me’. This beauty was created to remind you that believing in yourself is the first step to accessing your true glory. 

She may be looking in a shop window but it’s as though she is seeing herself in the mirror for the first time. When you believe in yourself you are willing to take small steps, to live life wholeheartedly and not expect immediate results. This big beautiful bunch of peonies is a metaphor for the beauty within you and if you focus on the power of love instead of fear, action instead of inertia, that you will access the most powerful force on the planet, the belief in yourself. 

Believing in yourself doesn’t mean shouting or showing off, it's a humble grounded place to be and from there, the world is yours. 

Young Girl In Bloom

This series was inspired by that delicate age when young girls are between teenagers but not yet women. This incredible moment in life when young women are on the verge of greatness but often don't realise it.

These photos were created with the young girls around me in mind, who are so innately beautiful and powerful yet often don't see it in themselves.

The images have names such as I Believe in Me, Great Future Ahead, On My Way and Standing Her Ground and my wish is that they inspire women to look within at their own beauty, find their uniqueness and tap into their power. And when a Young Girl Is In Bloom, when she knows her self-worth she is the most powerful force on earth!